An allergy is an energy disturbance between a person and exposure to a substance that is causing unpleasant physical, physiological and/or psychological reactions in the person's body. With allergy, the energy system reacts to any amount of the substance.
Tolerance ‘ is the amount of the substance the body can handle without becoming stressed' . Generally speaking there is a tolerance level for everything, no matter how healthy.
Genetic: inherited illnesses or tendencies from parents/grandparents
Moulds/Fungi: yeast, candida, parasites
What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction?
Many people continue to think of allergies as a limited group of symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, hives, asthma, hay fever, or occasionally a severe response such as anaphylactic shock. Allergies to certain items can cause many symptoms. These can be removed by NAET and include, but are not limited to the following:
Furthermore, allergic reactions may vary enormously from one person to the next, and even within the same person at different times. Thus, one person may sneeze in the presence of a cat, and another may break out in a rash or get short of breath. They are both allergic to the same thing, but they have very different reactions to it. Similarly, some allergies occur dramatically, within seconds of exposure to the offending agent; whereas others can take days or even weeks to develop.
Allergies usually first appear in infancy or childhood. However, onset of symptoms can occur at any age, or in some cases, reappear after many years of inactivity. In order to enjoy life, the allergic person must find ways to overcome adverse reactions to chemicals and other allergens produced by technology.
Do you suffer from tiredness?
Allergies are the result of energy imbalances in the body. Allergies are one of the most stubborn health problems facing society today. Most common conditions that people suffer from today have an underlying cause of allergy or intolerance. And our world today is becoming increasingly toxic. Almost everything we touch, eat, and inhale has been treated chemically somewhere along the line. It's no wonder people are feeling tired, lethargic and headachy.